Removing catkin workspace
I've created 2 catkin workspaces, then I decided to rm -rf one of them. It seems like there should be a better way to remove it because some environment variables are lingering around with that path, namely $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.
Where does ROS set $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH so I can remove any references to it now that I've deleted it?
Is there a proper way to delete a catkin workspace so that all environmental variables are cleaned up?
Answer: I 'sourced' both my devel workspace 'setup.bash' and the groovy installation 'setup.bash', when I removed that line from my .bashrc (as the commenter said) CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH was no longer set.
Deleting build and develop and simply calling catkin_make again, then sourcing my workspace only in .bashrc fixed it.
Thank you! :D
If the problem persists after a reboot, the problem is probably in your ~/.bashrc. Can you post the contents of that file?