rail_youbot_teleop and youBot arm are not working properly
I am using a Wiimote in conjunction with the rail_youbot nodes to control a KUKA youBot. I recently had to update my youbot_oodl (using the "youbot_wii_teleop.launch" node). After the update, I can no longer operate the arm of the youBot using the Wiimote. The base of the youBot functions however (I can drive it around just fine). I have done a "rostopic echo /joy" and see that the Wiimote is in-fact publishing data. I can also calibrate the arm (and the arm moves) using both the "roslaunch rail_youbot_launch rail_youbot.launch" and "sudo ./base_arm_gripper_test". Interestingly, I can do position control using the youBot mobile app found on the youbot-store website.
I've restored back to the original reinstalled the youbot_driver, remade all packages, and remade the rail_youbot package as well.
The youBot is plugged in.
I'm at a bit of a loss of what to look at next. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I've also run the "youbot_arm_test" node (found in youbot-ros-pkg). This should allow me to do postion control, by typing in radian values for each of the joints... this works.