Create Turtlebot doesn't stop at shutdown [closed]
Occasionally when I shut down (using Ctrl-C) my Create-based quasi-Turtlebots will continue driving with their last received speed commands. This occurs roughly 40-50% of the time.
I do have a shutdown routine that is registered with rospy.on_shutdown that sends 0,0 speed commands to the robot, and I have a print statement indicating that the shutdown routine is being run. I think perhaps those commands are sometimes sent after the turtlebot node has already shut down?
Does anyone else have this problem, and/or know the solution? Thanks!
Setup: This robot is "inspired" by the turtlebot, but is our own interpretation (some of the hardware is different). Running Fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04.2 Precise; the launch file is based on one of the turtlebot_bringup launch files but with our own python controller substituted in and a few other nodes included (VRPN for tracking).