Unable to download packages on Raspberry Pi
I'm going through the tutorials and am unable to download the fuerte version of rqt to continue. Apparently the packages aren't showing up in the list. I initially installed ROS following these instructions:
While going through the tutorial I went to install the applications like so:
pi@raspberrypi ~/scripts $ sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-qt-gui-core ros-fuerte-rqt
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package ros-fuerte-qt-gui-core
E: Unable to locate package ros-fuerte-rqt
Are there any specific sources I need to have enabled to get these packages? Currently I just have the four defaults (I don't have enough karma yet to post the actual source urls, hopefully these are sufficient):
packages.ros.org/ubuntu precise
archive.raspberrypi.org/debian wheezy
Thus far I haven't been able to locate the packages. I tried pulling the packages for a full fuerte desktop install into a VM, and that gave me all sorts of dependency issues. So I figure the ubuntu repos are out for this case.
Does anyone know how I can get this tool? Thanks!
Though not relevant to the question itself, I think adding sharp/pound at the beginning of the tag is only for when you search by tag according to help http://answers.ros.org/help/