Compiling single package under winros
Hello guys,
I have successfully installed winros on my Win7 system and need to create my own Messagetype. This worked very well by createing a CMakeLists.txt in the directory and adding these two lines.
add_message_files(DIRECTORY msg FILES message.msg)
I tried to compile the package with cmake but that didn't work. I got stucked with an error about the message_generationConfig.cmake which I found under C:\opt\ros\groovy\x86\share\message_generation\cmake. The commandline output advised me to add that path to an environment variable like message_generation_DIR but that haven't worked. Well, I finally compiled all packages and my own with the messagetypes again with "winros_make" and then the Headerfile was generated.
Has anybody figured out how to compile one single package with cmake or has somebody used the rosmake component under winros?
Best regards