how to use bullet in hydro?
Hi, I have a package that depends on bullet and try to compile on hydro, however I couldn't find ros-hydro-bullet nor bullet key in rosdistro/hydro/release.yaml.
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Hi, I have a package that depends on bullet and try to compile on hydro, however I couldn't find ros-hydro-bullet nor bullet key in rosdistro/hydro/release.yaml.
Bullet is now a system dependency and is registered in rosdep as such. If you look at rosdep/base.yaml you can see there is a key for bullet.
Here is the commit adapting vision_visp
to Hydro (removing the ROS dependency and detecting Bullet with pkg-config instead).
Chances are that you will probably need an equivalent commit to adapt your own software to Hydro.
Asked: 2013-06-06 18:15:45 -0600
Seen: 1,133 times
Last updated: Sep 29 '13