MoveIt generates PR2 moveit.rviz file regardless
When trying to generate a MoveIt package for a non-PR2 robot in Groovy, I get a Global Status: Warning in RViz which says:
"No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [/odom_combined] does not exist"
And I cannot interact with the robot (move the effectors, etc.)
Looking at the moveit.rviz file in the generated MoveIt package, I find link descriptions and names related to the PR2, nothing to do with the two robots I have described in the URDF used to generate the package. I do agree that the PR2 is cool, but shouldn't this file be related to the specifc robots used?
EDIT: Just found out I get the same error when loading the PR2 as described in the MoveIt "Groovy/PR2/Rviz Plugin/Quick Start" tutorial, so both issues described above may be unrelated.