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RGBD Slam Stereo Setup

asked 2013-05-07 03:43:38 -0500

Waterplant gravatar image

Hi - I want to use RGBD Slam using a Stereo Setup. I changed already the topics in the launch file, but when I start the RGBD GUI nothing happens.

Here is my launch file:

  <node pkg="rgbdslam" type="rgbdslam" name="rgbdslam" cwd="node" required="true" output="log"> 

    <param name="config/camera_info_topic"             value="/stereo_camera/camera_info"/>
    <param name="config/wide_topic"                    value="/stereo_camera/left/image_mono"/>
    <param name="config/wide_cloud_topic"              value="/stereo_camera/points2"/>


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1 Answer

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answered 2013-05-07 06:59:17 -0500

P.Naughton gravatar image

I have been removed from RGBD slam for a while, so sorry if I lead you in a wrong direction. I think that your problem might be in the point cloud topic. Are you using the stereo_img_proc node? I think that using the /disparity topic worked for me.

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Asked: 2013-05-07 03:43:38 -0500

Seen: 231 times

Last updated: May 07 '13