Confused about getting XV11 laser data into rviz
Okay, so I finally know enough about ROS to totally tie myself up in knots here. I've got my Neato laser up and running and pumping but data to the /scan topic but not seeing anything in rviz.
I'm running Groovy on a Beaglebone w/ Precise LTS (12.04).
I'm running rviz remotely on a separate laptop, also running Groovy on Precise LTS.
I have a Neato LIDAR hooked up to it, running the cwru-ros-pkg XV11 laser driver. rostopic shows the laser successfully publishing to a topic called "/scan":
ubuntu@arm:~$ rostopic list
I'm getting data from rostopic echo on both the Beaglebone and the laptop I'm running rviz on:
armadilo@talon:~$ rostopic echo /scan
seq: 15555
secs: 1367714272
nsecs: 996305089
frame_id: neato_laser
angle_min: 0.0
angle_max: 6.28318548203
angle_increment: 0.0174532923847
time_increment: 0.000163100005011
scan_time: 0.0
range_min: 0.0599999986589
range_max: 5.0
ranges: [0.2980000078678131, 0.3059999942779541, 0.3140000104904175, 0.3240000009536743, 0.3330000042915344, 0.34200000762939453, 0.35100001096725464, 0.3610000014305115
But nothing is showing up in rviz.
I'm using the cwru-ros-pkg xv11_laser_driver which publishes to the /scan topic, not sensor_msgs/LaserScan. I'm sure I'm missing a big chunk of something here but am not exactly sure what.
Any help from those who've been able to get data from their XV11 laser into rviz or other parts of the ROS stack would be appreciated.
Thanks! 'dillo