rosbridge (v1) suffers video delay over mjpeg_server
I'm running a rosbridge Version 1 application to teleop a robot (Pi Robot) over a wireless-g network. Everything works great except that the video stream (320x240 resolution from a Asus Xtion) always develops a noticeable delay within the first few minutes after loading the HTML5/rosbridge interface. Refreshing the web page always clears the delay for another few minutes until it creeps in again.
I never get the delay if I view just the video stream in a browser window using the mjpeg URL ( I only get the delay when I run the full rosbridge application which uses the same mjpeg URL.
My rosbridge application can be seen here but it's a work in progress.
Does anyone know a fix for this delay issue? And if it can't be fixed in Version 1 of rosbridge, does anyone know if it is fixed in Version 2? (I have a time crunch for this project so I have been putting off the transition.)
UPDATE: So I finally took the time to convert my rosbridge application to the Version 2 protocol and was sad to find that the delays with the video stream are even worse than with Version 1. I tried my application under both Fuerte and Groovy with the appropriate Debian rosbridge packages (rosbridge_suite for Fuerte and rosbridge_server for Groovy) and both gave much worse results than using rosbridge v1. In fact, the video stream tended to freeze up entirely every 15-30 seconds. Going back to the rosbridge v1 of my application produced immediately better results with the exact same hardware setup. Very odd.
What browser(s) are you using and is the same freezing observed when you view the mjpeg stream directly?