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publishing negative values from command line

asked 2013-04-26 03:49:11 -0500

da-na gravatar image


Is it possible to publish negative values via rostopic pub ? I tried

rostopic pub -1 /my_point geometry_msgs/Point 1 2 3

with no problem, but when I try

rostopic pub -1 /my_point geometry_msgs/Point 1 -2 3

it says an error:

Usage: rostopic pub /topic type [args...]

rostopic: error: no such option: -2

Is it anyhow possible to publish negative values from terminal?

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2 Answers

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answered 2013-04-27 03:35:10 -0500

updated 2013-04-27 03:36:21 -0500

See also the comment here on using negative numbers with ROS command-line tools. As described in the link, you can use the -- flag to tell the parser to stop looking for additional command-line options.

So, the following should also work:

rostopic pub -1 /my_point geometry_msgs/Point -- 1 -2 3
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answered 2013-04-26 03:57:09 -0500

yigit gravatar image

updated 2013-04-26 04:02:07 -0500

You can try

rostopic pub -1 /my_point geometry_msgs/Point '{x: 1, y: -2, z: 3}'

Here is the page YAML on the ROS command line

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Asked: 2013-04-26 03:49:11 -0500

Seen: 5,745 times

Last updated: Apr 27 '13