How to use SBPL for Benchmarking?
I already executed some succesfull benchmark-runs with ompl planners. (ROS GROOVY) Now I want to repeat the same with the sbpl_arm planner.
My SBPL-benchmark server .launch file:
<node name="moveit_benchmark_server" pkg="moveit_ros_benchmarks" type="moveit_run_benchmark" respawn="false" output="screen">
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find TX60L_Final11)/config/kinematics.yaml"/>
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find TX60L_Final11)/config/sbpl_planning.yaml"/>
my guessed sbpl_planning.yaml-file (I orientaded at the ompl_planning.yaml-file)
type: geometric::Ara
- ArakConfigDefault
- ArakConfigDefault
edit: when I start my .launch-file Terminal shows following:
[ INFO] [1366667891.580784849]: Attempting to load and configure ompl_interface_ros/OMPLPlanner
[ INFO] [1366667891.690143180]: Not displaying OMPL exploration data structures.
[ INFO] [1366667891.691618019]: Initializing OMPL interface using ROS parameters
[ERROR] [1366667891.696771314]: Could not find the planner configuration 'ArakConfigDefault' on the param server
[ERROR] [1366667891.699387276]: Could not find the planner configuration 'ArakConfigDefault' on the param server
[ INFO] [1366667891.703239199]: Available planner instances: ompl_interface_ros/OMPLPlanner
Why is the benchmark_server assuming that I use OMPL? How can I fix it?
Edit: Here is a paper, where sbpl - benmarking is realized in MoveIt!
Edit: Here are my MoveIt! configuration files. And my 6Dof_robot.
Many Thanks in advance viovio
Groovy was not released at the time that the paper was written. The original version of the sbpl_arm_planner was used to generate those stats in Fuerte. It seems like you are using Gil Jones' version of sbpl_planners so anyone familiar with his implementation would be better suited to answer this.
At the moment I don't use any sbpl planners, I only read about it. I'm a little bit confused: In this paper sbpl was used with MoveIt! (end of page 1) for benchmarks, but at this time Groovy was not released. So it had to run under Fuerte, where I thought Moveit won't run?