Change topic on pcd_to_pointcloud
Hi- Does anyone know how to change the topic that a pointcloud is being published on using pcd_to_pointcloud? On the wiki it only says you can change the frame_id, like so:
$ rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud cloud_file.pcd 0.1 _frame_id:=/odom
pcd_to_pointcloud publishes on the default /cloud_pcd topic, but I'd like to specify my own topic. I tried changing _frame_id:=/ to _topic:=/my_topic but that doesn't seem to work.
Edit: The above works fine if I want to look at just one pointcloud. I set the fixed frame to whatever (/base_link, in the wiki) and the topic stays as /cloud_pcd. But I can only view one cloud at a time in rviz. I would like to see multiple pointclouds on the same rviz screen.