Cancelling a ROS action within an executive_teer node
I am trying out the executive_teer package and my test setup is a simulated TurtleBot running two main tasks: a navigation task that moves the TurtleBot through a series of waypoints in a map using MoveBase actions and a battery_check task that monitors a simulated battery level and sends the robot to a charging base (also using MoveBase) when the level falls too low.
The trouble I am having is interrupting the current MoveBaseAction from the battery_check task when the battery level falls below threshold and while the robot is still on the way to a waypoint. Even though I send a move_base.cancel_goal() from the battery_check task, the robot always continues to the current waypoint before then heading to the charging station. I've also tried killing or pausing the navigation task but I get the same result--the MoveBaseAction appears to be outside the teer environment's control.
I can post the code details if necessary but perhaps there is some general trick when using teer with standard ROS actions?