Problem with turtlebot computers setup
I am encountering problems when trying to set up the computers for running a turtlebot. Here is the setup info:
Turtlebot netbook - Electric - (tbot) Workstation - Groovy - (work)
ROS_MASTER_URI : "http://192 . 168 . 1 . 3:11311" ROS_IP : "192 . 168 . 1 . 3"
(set on both computers)
I can ssh into tbot from work and viceversa. I can ping both machines from each other. netcat listening works fine. But using "rostopic list" on the workstation gives out "Unable to communicate with master!" error.
Also, according to the tutorials, if I use "rostopic echo /diagnostics" on the netbook, it should report a warning saying that "diagnostics has not been published", but in this case, it just prints some diagnostic info saying that dev/ttyUSB0 is not connected.
roscore is indeed running on, but the workstation is unable to find it. Looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks in advance.
The master is usually port 11311, are you sure yours is 11611?
Sorry, that was a typo. I typed this from Windows. Corrected.
Does Windows not support "3" any more? :-D
No, I meant I forgot what the port was as I was in Windows and couldn't run roscore to check.