Catkin and Qt_ros. How to build
I'm a bit lost with the integration of Qt with ROS. I have to make a few custom interfaces for my university project (a nifty robot that do cool stuff) and I was thinking about using Qt to make them since we already have a lot of experience with Qt C++ in my team.
The problem is, my workspace is using catkin and the package qt_ros (with the node roscreate-qt-pkg) seems to create files that are made for rosbuilder. By example, it create a manifest.xml (wich I think is deprecated in groovy) and the CMakeLists.txt is really different from the ones I get from catkin-package. So, my node is not built at all when I execute catkin_make. How am I suppose to do it?
I really like ROS and all his tools, but if I can't create my interfaces quickly we will have to switch to another technology or think about an alternative to talk to ROS from another application that contains our interface : (.
Do I have to make this : "Simply make in place (native compile) or use rosbuild2 to cross-compile with mingw"?!