Rosdep: Adding dependencies that have to be compiled
I have to integrate some external dependencies into my ROS packet, that are not available as debs but only source code on github. I thought that you have to declare in your manifest.xml <rosdep name="someNameWhichIsNotOnThebase.yamlList"/>, then create a rosdep.yaml file and put something like
mkdir -p ~/ros/ros-deps
cd ~/ros/ros-deps
wget --no-check-certificate
tar xpvf master
cd master
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install
(And I am not sure maybe search in CMakeLists.txt for this lib?) But since it doesn't work, I would like to know how you are supposed to do this. I would be very grateful for your help.
What is your ROS distro? Are you using catkin? This is quite important for that question.
I am using fuerte.