Hello, Can i do mapping and Localization using rgbdslam using Kinect alone. thanx
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Yes you can run RGBD-SLAM with a Kinect only, RGBDSLAM does not require a source of odometry such as IMUs and wheel encoders. You can hold the Kinect and move it around. RGBDSLAM constructs a 3D map or your environment while also obtaining the optimized pose (localization).
Our team search alot about methods to do mapping like hector_slam , but we faced alot of problems map has apppered empty. Any way we will use RGBD-SLAM .Can U help me to do this ?? i will use this tutorial http://www.ros.org/wiki/rgbdslam to do mapping , is it enough ? @K_Yousif
Asked: 2013-02-13 20:50:26 -0600
Seen: 417 times
Last updated: Feb 13 '13
using fuerte on ubuntu 11.10.