turtlebot navigation
can i build my map without doing calibration because i have only irobot create ?
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can i build my map without doing calibration because i have only irobot create ?
Considering the comments I guess by "without calibration" you mean to say that you don't have an IMU?
In that case, try hector_mapping. It doesn't require odometry and might work for you.
@Wafaay I am not sure of the turtlebot specification that I have in my lab. @marwa if ur using gmapping algorithm then all you need is laser scan and position of laser sensor w.r.t to world. Laser position is defined with respect to base_link of robot which in defined in odometry frame. So if u have laser readings and sensor position then mapping can easily be done.
Asked: 2013-01-31 21:21:43 -0500
Seen: 482 times
Last updated: Feb 01 '13
what kind of calibration are you talking about??
this one http://www.ros.org/wiki/turtlebot_calibration/Tutorials/Calibrate%20Odometry%20and%20Gyro
I have a turtlebot which has a create base. I did not do any calibration for my bot as mentioned in the link..
Can you tell me how to built your map without using calibration ? as my irobot create dosen't contain this part http://store.iheartengineering.com/ihe-0200-0000-fa00.html
@shade:- you bought the full turtle bot with (power/sensor gyro board )..or only icreate robot ?
Since u dont have the gyroscope sensor, wat exact set of readings are you missing??
How can i do it without having gyro sensor?
what is turtlebot calibration ?! and why need this ?! see this my help ! http://answers.ros.org/question/10868/calibrating-turtlebot-odometry-without-gyroimu/