[groovy] collada parser source incomplete
I'm installing groovy from source.
$ sudo wstool init src -j8 http:/packages.ros.org/web/rosinstall/generate/raw/groovy/robot
$ sudo ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install --install-space /opt/ros/groovy
Compilation fails at collada_parser because of missing dae.h
Looking at the Fuerte install on my laptop, colladadom includes contain a host of different files missing from the groovy raw.
Copying dae.h prompts for another missing file: dom/domCOLLADA.h.
Now there are two possibilities: either copying the dom folder inside the 1.4 subfolder, or the one inside 1.5. The one in 1.4 causes make to output a three pages long series of errors. The one in 1.5 fails because of a missing namespace 'ColladaDOM150'. Commenting out this line (number 75 of the single source file) compilation proceedes succesfully for this package.
Next is collada_urdf which suffers from the same missing includes and wrong namespace. So I copied both dae and dom the same way I did before, but this time make outputs lots of undefined references to collada functions.
I think this is a bug, but I couldn't find how to submit to the tracker (no ticket link on the package's page).
Tracker is here https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/
Thanks, doesn't accept my code.ros.org login though...
Try reloading after entering the credentials and waiting a bit. The website is very sluggish at the moment. That's why we're migrating off of it.