Lots of delay when trying to teleop with a Turtlebot
I've got a home made turtlebot. It's using a Create with an old laptop (2GHz Pentium). I'm trying to run the SLAM mapping tutorial which seems to be working fine but I run into a ton of lag while trying to drive around using the keyboard teleop. The robot will be unresponsive for several seconds to a minuet.
What I do is ssh from the workstation to the turtlebot laptop. I run the gmapping app in the ssh terminal. Then I start RViz on the workstation. In another terminal I ssh to the turtlebot and run the keyboard teleop.
If you run only the keyboard teleop and looks at the rostopic echo, the response is as expected? (try to know if the delay is because of the network or because of what is happening at the PC)