how to clean out the catkin tree for different build type
How or what do you do to clean out a build of the catkin tree so that a different build can be done? I installed catkin workspace tree with the desktop-full packages for groovy. That build has build problem with fulle*. So I thought that I would start at the other end of the scale and build the ros-comm tree first. I am trying to build on a raspberry pi system. We have Fuerte built and running on it. I am also developing the build instructions for this in the wiki tree. I am coming to the result that I need to put together a cross-compilier enviroment to speed up the builds. With 500,000 sold in less than one year and a cost of $65.00 for a headless linux system. That doing this would be useful since I am working with the cube-spawn project to set up a multiple cube manufacturing environment.