Controlling individual robots in stage (fuerte)
Hello. I recently installed the latest ROS version (Fuerte) and stage (v4.1.1), running it through stageros of course. However, I am noticing that issuing robot-specific cmd_vel messages causes all of the robots in the world to move. For example:
rosrun stage stageros /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/stage/share/stage/worlds/
rostopic pub /robot_0/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -r 10000 '[10, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 5]'
This causes all of the robots in the flock to move! This is despite the fact that rostopic list shows cmd_vel versions for all of the robots (up to robot_99).
Is this a bug in the latest versions or am I misunderstanding something about the way this should work?