compiling ROS on Debian
I am trying to get started with ROS under debian. I followed the install instructions for debian until the point where it is compiled using make. There I run into trouble building the rxtools with the following error:
make[2]: * No rule to make target '/usr/lib/python3.2/config/', needed by `lib/'. Stop.
make[1]: * [rx/rxtools/CMakeFiles/python_rxtools.dir/all] Error 2
make: * [all] Error 2
The folder 'rx/rxtools/CMakeFiles' does not exist in my ros-underlay folder! I also think it is strange, that libpython is built by ROS. I ran into some small, solvable problems during the installation process before, but I could not find anything about this error in the net and am kind of lost here.
Thank you in advance,
[Edit:] I did my research and found out that for some reason make wants to build which is already installed on my system.
A workaround for me was to remove the line "lib/ /usr/lib/python3.2/config/" from the file build/rxtools/CMakeFiles/python_rxtools.dir/build.make and change "-lpython3.2" in build/rxtools/CMakeFiles/python_rxtools.dir/link.txt to "-L/usr/lib/python3.2/config/".
make and make install now runs without any errors but I do not think that this ugly fix is the right way to compile ROS. Maybe there is a problem with the CMake files somewhere and this could be a bug.