Why would rosserial_python fail when rosserial_xbee works? [closed]
The rosserial blink tutorial (http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosserial_arduino/Tutorials/Blink) works as expected when connecting to an Arduino Uno with an XBee using the following command:
rosrun rosserial_xbee xbee_network.py /dev/ttyUSB0 2
However, if I try to use rosserial_python instead of rosserial_xbee (as in the tutorial example):
rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py /dev/ttyUSB0
I get an initial response saying:
ROS Serial Python Node
Connected on /dev/ttyUSB0 at 57600 baud
And eventually the classic:
Lost sync with device, restarting...
I have made the changes recommended in this support ticket (https://kforge.ros.org/rosserial/trac/ticket/73) to be sure that it is actually connecting instead of just throwing the message that rosserial_python has connected before it even tries. I also switched down to 1 core on Virtualbox so Ubuntu it would find the XBee USB device in the first place.
Further, I have noticed that running the rosserial_python command does not light up the RSSI light on my Parallax USB XBee adapter as it doesn't when I run rosserial_xbee. And that the rostopic /toggle_led does not show up in the "rostopic list" after I try running the "rostopic pub toggle_led" command.