‘removeNaNFromPointCloud’ is not a member of ‘pcl’
When I try to do rosmake on my package I get the following error:
‘removeNaNFromPointCloud’ is not a member of ‘pcl’
However I can see it in the documentation: here
void cloud_cb (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 input) {
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> in_cloud;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> out_cloud;
std::vector<int> indicies;
pcl::fromROSMsg(input, in_cloud);
pcl::fromROSMsg(input, out_cloud);
pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(in_cloud, out_cloud, indicies);
Anyone know why this is currently saying it's not part of the pcl?
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