rosrun rviz and X Window
Dear All,
I recently received a Turtlebot to test out. I have tested it using a set of different simple examples such as dashboard and teleop. The robot works very well.
The next experiment will be to test Turtlebot navigation. After several experiments, I have found that, it was very difficult to do map building and navigation without using a workstation. Thus, I have acquired a workstation that runs Win7 and soon after that two programs namely Putty SSH client and Xming ver are installed. I have tested the communication between these programs via turtlebot using the turtlebot_dashboard program and it works very well. All GUIs are displayed very nicely from Turtlebot server to the workstation using Xming/X-window.
However, after the following command is executed from the workstation, the Xming seems to be hanged or crashed and I have to terminate it with no luck:
rosrun rviz rviz -d 'rospack find turtlebot_navigation` /nav_rviz.vcg.
Thus, do you have any idea how to overcome this issue?
best wishes Azizi.