wviz missing visualization control panel button
I was trying out wviz from the bosch_web_visualization stack. Everything installed and launches fine but when I point my browser to the wviz URL (http://localhost:8000/wviz/) I do not see the Visualization Control Panel button in the lower left corner of the screen. I do see the borders around the canvas and the lower panel. But I cannot launch any controls.
My environment is the latest Electric debs on Ubuntu 11.10. I am using Rev 1584 of the bosch_web_visualization stack and the latest clone of http://kforge.ros.org/rosbridge/git for rosbridge.
UPDATE: Here is the output when running "roslaunch wviz wviz.launch". As far as I can tell, all the nodes are coming up OK. The connection message at the end occurs when I point my browser to http://localhost:8000/wviz/):
started roslaunch server http://pi-robot-z935:35503/
* /rosversion
* /mjpeg_server/port
* /rosdistro
webserver (roswww/webserver.py)
mjpeg_server (mjpeg_server/mjpeg_server)
wviz_tf_manager (wviz_tf_manager/wviz_tf_manager)
tf_lister (tf_lister/tf_lister.py)
rosbridge (rosbridge_server/rosbridge.py)
rosapi (rosapi/rosapi.py)
core service [/rosout] found
process[webserver-1]: started with pid [13783]
process[mjpeg_server-2]: started with pid [13784]
process[wviz_tf_manager-3]: started with pid [13785]
process[tf_lister-4]: started with pid [13786]
process[rosbridge-5]: started with pid [13787]
process[rosapi-6]: started with pid [13808]
[ INFO] [1347116583.847606183]: Starting mjpeg server
[ INFO] [1347116583.848325125]: Bind(8080) succeeded
[ INFO] [1347116583.848386455]: waiting for clients to connect
[INFO] [WallTime: 1347116583.879331] Webserver initialized for 625 packages
[INFO] [WallTime: 1347116583.963235] Rosapi started
[INFO] [WallTime: 1347116583.975061] Attempting to start webserver on port 80
No handlers could be found for logger "rosout"
[WARN] [WallTime: 1347116583.978099] Insufficient priveliges to run webserver on port 80. Error: Permission denied
[INFO] [WallTime: 1347116583.978127] -- Try re-running as super-user: sudo su; source ~/.bashrc)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1347116583.978178] Attempting to start webserver on port 8000
[INFO] [WallTime: 1347116583.978387] Webserver successfully started on port 8000
[INFO] [WallTime: 1347116584.042363] Rosbridge server started on port 9090
[INFO] [WallTime: 1347116587.367350] Client connected. 1 clients total.
WARNING:root:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 1.29ms
[INFO] [WallTime: 1347116587.479385] [Client 0] Subscribed to /tf_changes
UPDATE 2: Console output from Chrome:
Connected to rosbridge_server.
spidergl.js:7502Uncaught Error: SpiderGL : Cannot get WebGL context
(anonymous function)connectionwidget.js:77