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[ERROR] [1346057546.695789920]: Exception thrown when deserializing message of length [91] from [/nxt_lejos_proxy_mod]: Buffer Overrun

asked 2012-08-26 22:55:04 -0500

camilla gravatar image

in your opinion whic kind of error is this because it appears when I launch the nav stack but everything works fine.

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answered 2012-08-27 02:41:33 -0500

Lorenz gravatar image

The error indicates that something went wrong when serializing the message or that the serialized message was corrupted during transmission. In your case, it looks like more bytes were received than required for representing some message sent by nxt_lejos_proxy_mod. Without knowing more about that node, it's hard to say what exactly went wrong.

It seems like connections stay valid if such an error happens. The subscriber that was throwing the error might work with corrupted data though.

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Asked: 2012-08-26 22:55:04 -0500

Seen: 3,396 times

Last updated: Aug 27 '12