[ros2] renaming of launch files causes compilation error
I created a launch .py file and compiled it once, but after renaming it, I'm faced with the error:
can't copy 'launch/navigation_ar.launch.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file
The workaround so far is to clean the install directory and rebuilt the entire workspace, but is a pain cause the built time takes time. It seems like the workspace has saved somewhere the names of the launch files it copied to the install folder and for some reason it does not update. 1. Is there a way to solve this OR 2. Is there a way to delete the install directory for only one package? OR 3. Is there something that I'm misunderstanding?
- Ubuntu 22
- ROS Distro: humble
From the workspace root directory, I run the following command:
colcon build --symlink-install
Thanks for the help!