ROSJAVA Client Service md5sum not matching [closed]
I am working in ROSJava and Android. I already have one client/service connection working, but a second one I am setting up does not seem to want to work. It starts with a simple Command String service that is running in ROS (C++). I then create the Client in ROSJava on Android, but get a md5sum does not match error.
I double checked the service tag and it seems to match like it should. For instance, in ROS it is package robot_control with service Command. In ROSJava I am using the tag robot_control/Command, but it seems to be generating the wrong md5 string. Has anyone had experience with the string being wrong even if you use the correct tag. Thanks.
How are you building the android client? Are you building both from the same package tree so you are sure there is no difference?
In this line,maybe like this: serviceClient = connectedNode.newServiceClient("/rai_learing",com.robot.ros.client.visual.Visual._Type); you should check the second parma (interface:Visual) package name is equal to the _Type;