ros2 humble <-> ros1 noetic ros1_bridge

asked 2023-07-27 06:50:55 -0500

bafhcs gravatar image

Hi there,

short information: On my laptop i have installed Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS2 Humble. Furthermore on my Nvidia Jetson i have installed Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic. Unfortunately i have to use ROS Noetic because i use a ToF Camera, which driver is only available for ROS1... So I'm looking for a solution to communicate between ROS1 on the Jetson on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS2 Humble on my laptop to recieve the Pointlcoud in ROS2. I already installed ROS1_bridge on my laptop, but I'm not able to build the package, because i don't have ROS Noetic installed on the same laptop... Is there any possibility to communicate through the network?

Thank you very much

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