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free joint causes solver to fail to find a solution (ikFast)

asked 2023-06-01 18:07:07 -0500

jeff_t1978 gravatar image

I have a robot leg that includes a hip, knee and foot joint, but also a additional link between the knee and foot that I would like to include.

I have tried searching the internet to understand what is a free joint, no where is there any documentation on ikFast or any mention on ROS forums about what defines a free joint. My understanding is a free joint is free to rotate however satasfies the solver but I am not sure if it is more like a joint that exists but is not used?

Here is the robot leg model:

image description

The highlighted joint is the joint I specified as the free joint. I was able to compile the solver using the command --freeindex=5 --robot=talos2.dae --iktype=transform6d --baselink=0 --eelink=7 --savefile=talos.cpp

But when I test the solver it always returns -1 and prints "Failed to get ik solution"

I have tried moving the target around the FK position, but it always reports "Failed to get ik solution"

If I remove the free joint from the model the solver compiles and produces a valid solution, only with a free joint does the solver fail 100% of the time. Am I not understanding free joints or is iKfast not compatible with this joint configuration?

Thank you for any help!!

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answered 2023-06-03 07:48:20 -0500

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image

"free joint" is discussed in this older tutorial (for some reason, much of the text has vanished from git master, not sure why...)

I'm guessing here, but it looks to me like "free joint" is a hack to handle a 7-DOF arm, which the IK Fast solver does not handle well (or at least, it didn't use to.) It not clear to me that this "feature" has any relevance to your situation.

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Asked: 2023-06-01 18:06:42 -0500

Seen: 69 times

Last updated: Jun 03 '23