Are there any ROS2 packages to perform 3D navigation?

asked 2023-05-19 06:19:05 -0500

jesus_silva gravatar image

Hi, I am working on a project with a quadruped robot that we want to use to perform inspection in a building with multiple floors. I am currently in the first phase of the project, so I am looking at state-of-the-art packages and algorithms to use. I have first tried 2D SLAM and navigation with Cartographer, RTAB-Map and Navigation2 Stack, and now I want to see if I can upgrade it to 3D SLAM and navigation.

I have seen that using Octomap and RTAB-Map for example you can perform 3D SLAM, but Navigation2 doesn't support 3D path planning by now, so I am a bit lost right now. Does anyone know good examples of 3D navigation in a multi floor building using quadruped robots? I have seen some with drones that may be useful, but anything about quadruped robots yet.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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I have this exact same question and have been looking for a few days now without any luck. I’ve though of converting PointCloud-to-LaserScan and using that in my current setup but that doesn’t solve for the “parking deck” scenario. I was also thinking of stitching together multiple maps (for each floor and the ramps), but I’m not sure nav2 will like the unexpected inclines, and I don’t think the overlapping maps will work (not sure though). A 3D nav goal seems like the elegant solution but haven’t found anything. Can you share what you’ve found for drones so far?

Looking forward to hearing other's input

ScottH gravatar image ScottH  ( 2023-05-26 04:36:48 -0500 )edit