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Path planning on a prerecorded global path

asked 2023-04-29 01:12:28 -0500

Saurabh Rahatekar gravatar image

Hello everyone. I m working on an AGV for material handling in warehouses. I want to develop a planning algorithm that will use a prerecorded path and will calculate the shortest path to and from various stations in that path. To do that, I will record the amcl_poses in a yaml file and publish those coordinates on nav_msgs/path msg. Whenever a goal will be given, this planner will be called and calculate the path between the current pose and the goal pose. then the move_base will use that path to generate local_path and velocities. But I don't know how to achieve this. Please suggest ways to develop this.

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answered 2023-04-29 03:34:59 -0500

Assuming that I got your question correct.

You can record the poses at a low frequency (or down-sample later) and create an adjacency matrix for the entire sequence - adjacent poses will be connected and others won't be. Post that you can run any graph search algorithm across any two given poses and come up with a global plan. Then you can feed this plan to the move_base.

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Thank you so much for responding. I came across the move_base_flex. I am trying to use the exec_path. As you suggested, I will use the search algorithm and feed it to exec_path.

Saurabh Rahatekar gravatar image Saurabh Rahatekar  ( 2023-05-02 22:54:15 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2023-04-29 01:12:28 -0500

Seen: 43 times

Last updated: Apr 29 '23