ROS2 launch IncludeLaunchDescription with launch arguments, remapped topics, and namespace
I am trying to to control two rovers in simulation using two joysticks on the same computer. I want to use two teleop_twist_joy
instances by including the launch description with different namespaces and remapped topics. However, using a different namespace in the launch file, causes the launch_arguments
of IncludeLaunchDescription
not to be evaluated. Here is a minimal example:
from ament_index_python import get_package_share_directory
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch_ros.actions import SetRemap, PushRosNamespace
from launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescription, GroupAction
from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource
def generate_launch_description():
# Create teleop node using remappings in a GroupAction
teleop_1 = GroupAction(
# PushRosNamespace("rover1"),
SetRemap(src='/cmd_vel', dst='/rover1/cmd_vel'),
SetRemap(src='/joy', dst='/rover1/joy'),
PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([get_package_share_directory('teleop_twist_joy') + '/launch/']),
# launch arguments will be evaluated, namespace is NOT set above
launch_arguments={'joy_config': 'xbox', 'joy_dev': '/dev/input/js0'}.items(),)
# Create teleop node using a different namespace and remappings in a GroupAction
teleop_2 = GroupAction(
SetRemap(src='/cmd_vel', dst='/rover2/cmd_vel'),
SetRemap(src='/joy', dst='/rover2/joy'),
PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([get_package_share_directory('teleop_twist_joy') + '/launch/']),
# launch arguments will NOT be evaluated, namespace is set above
launch_arguments={'joy_config': 'xbox', 'joy_dev': '/dev/input/js1'}.items(),),
return LaunchDescription([
Is it possible to create the node with a namespace and the launch arguments?
Platform: Ubuntu 22.04, ROS humble