Ros2 allows only one session

asked 2023-04-20 03:02:38 -0500

godogabor gravatar image

Hi, i have installed a foxy for windows 10 some weeks ago and everything went fine. I have created my own publisher and subscriber, and can send string and image messages. The projects sleeps than and now i return back to it, the listener can't start. After a lot of tests i realized, that only one session can run for my ros2. That one works perfectly, and no other session can "run", and it is not depend of the first session type.

e.g.1: in terminal (1) i start the ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker, in terminal (2) the ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker does nothing

e.g.2: in terminal (1) i start the rqt_graph, in terminal (2) the ros2 topic list doesn't answer

I can reinstall it of course, but i don't want that now. I would be good to understand what happened.

thanks for help!

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