Parameter limits in ros2 galactic?
Hi! I am new in ROS and ROS2. Now, i am using a driver from Universal Robots in order to move an UR5 to different joint configurations. I have the problem that when I have more than 512 parameters in my .YAML file, i have an error message.
I was using ros2 Foxy with a Debian installation. After trying to change the parameter limit from the source installation as clalancette proposed, It seems that the driver that I am using does not work well with this distribution. I preferred to move to galactic or a different ros2 distribution. I know that Humble does not have the parameter limitation, but due to the build status of the driver from UR for this distribution, I rather not to use it at the moment.
I was thinking in Galactic... this ros2 distribution has the parameter limitation? Thanks!