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Are constant velocity commands produced by local planner from move_base possible?

asked 2023-03-29 04:46:35 -0500

Devin1126 gravatar image


I have a four-wheeled differential-drive robot. I have been able to build a map via SLAM where I would like to have the robot navigate about. The robot that I am utilizing does not have precise motor control (cannot translate and rotate simultaneously from specific commands reliably at commanded wheel velocities). However, I have observed that the robot is capable of performing separate translational (no rotation) and stationary rotational velocity commands well. I wanted to know if it is possible configure the local planner such that it only outputs either purely translational or rotational velocity commands at each instance. I am aware of the parameter use_grid_path in the global_planner node that configures the global path such that there are no curved regions of the path (so only translation or rotation can occur). However, I wanted to know if there is anything within the local planner or any other parameters that I would have to tune in order for this to work. It would be even more appreciative if one could show me some documentation that provides some form of a similar example to what I am describing. Both my robot and the remote computer that it interfaces with are using ROS noetic on Ubuntu 20.04.

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1 Answer

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answered 2023-03-30 10:17:29 -0500

Alot is possible if you create your own plugins, but I don't think anything out of the box is going to help you much with that in ROS 1.

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Asked: 2023-03-29 04:46:35 -0500

Seen: 73 times

Last updated: Mar 30 '23