Best Practices and Recommendations for Creating Moveit2-based ROS2 Actions

asked 2023-03-14 05:27:43 -0500

hossamamr gravatar image

updated 2023-06-13 14:52:42 -0500

130s gravatar image

Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if there are any guideline or best practices that are known when creating ROS actions specially if they are based on other actions, if that is even acceptable. I'll elaborate a bit more on what am I trying to achieve and I'm looking up for your answers.

I currently packed some skills into functions to control a robot arm using the MoveGroupInterface but now instead of having a node that takes some commands and accordingly call the relevant function I want to pack this into ROS actions.

For that I have two options, at least those are what I know about;

  • Use the moveit actions that are already being used in the MoveGroupInterface, which are a bit hard to find a list of them or proper documentation that shows how can they be used. I'd appreciate providing some and/or guiding me through.
  • Simply pack those functions into actions just the way they are. However, in order to normally use the MoveGroupInterface, I'd have to pass a node and the move_group name to the interface in order to be able to use it, which confuses me a bit.

So regarding the second point, is it okay/logical to create a node inside an action?

I'd really appreciate knowing what do you think about that.

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