ros2_control/asio : topics stops being received
I am having issues with a ros2_control on humble distro and ubuntu 22.04. I have a custom hardware system that communicates with the hardware with TCP/IP. I implemented the communication using asio, running in a thread. I am using a custom controller that basically is the forward_command_controller, without the realtime buffers. It subscribes to a single Float64MultiArray commands topic.
For some reason, the controllers subscriber stops receiving topics after a few messages. This results in the commands not being updated and sent to the hardware.
I suspect that using asio in a thread inside the ros2_control architecture might be causing problems but I am not certain.
Fell free to ask for more information. Any help would be appreciated !
EDIT: I tested with a minimal example with and without asio running in a thread and the result is the same. The topics stop being received after some short time. So the issue seems unrelated to asio.