bag_to_pcd invalid characters
I transformed a rosbag file to pcd file by ros_tool bag_to_pcd.
with some success output like this:
Got 50384 data points in frame velodyne on topic /velodyne_points with the following fields: x y z intensity ring time Data saved to rostool_output/1628410321.879456997.pcd
Got 50367 data points in frame velodyne on topic /velodyne_points with the following fields: x y z intensity ring time Data saved to rostool_output/1628410321.979679108.pcd
Got 50357 data points in frame velodyne on topic /velodyne_points with the following fields: x y z intensity ring time Data saved to rostool_output/1628410322.079864025.pcd
But when I clicked the pcd file. the header part is valid, with some info like FIELDS SIZE HEIGHT DATA binary but the following data parts are invalid characters
Thanks in advance