Why does it only print the ROS_INFO once?

asked 2022-11-29 20:14:08 -0500

trilletto gravatar image

I am fairly new to cpp and ros. I wonder why it only prints my ROS_INFO & ROS_INFO_STREAM once in the terminal. I am using the function 4 times and it should print 4 different times?

code: https://pastecode.io/s/fcrf2v97

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Do you see all print statements result after the first function call? Is Goal Reached also printed?

Dmitry gravatar image Dmitry  ( 2022-11-30 03:25:09 -0500 )edit

Yes, I can see all print statements, including "Goal Reached".

trilletto gravatar image trilletto  ( 2022-11-30 04:11:19 -0500 )edit