How to make map follow the target frame in mapviz

asked 2022-11-24 20:37:36 -0500

Hello everyone

I am the beginner for ROS and mapviz, I am trying to make map follow the target frame, it's easy to add a target frame, but I don't know how to attach it to the vehicle, does anyone konw the detail steps for this function? my frame tree is map->base_link->view_follow(my new target frame), I use gazebo to simulate an iris(drone) or rover(car), thanks very much.

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I'm not sure what "mapviz" is. If you meant "rviz", then set the Fixed Frame to "view_follow".

Mike Scheutzow gravatar image Mike Scheutzow  ( 2022-11-25 08:07:38 -0500 )edit

Hi, Mike, thanks for your reply, yes, I can set fixed frame as map, target frame as view_follow, but I cannot set the robot in the middle of the view, like this vedio, I don't know how to make the view move as the GPS track from my robot.

steveJeo gravatar image steveJeo  ( 2022-11-25 09:06:56 -0500 )edit