ros install on debian sid
I installed fuerte catkin on my amd64/sid.
rosdep check ros_comm
ran OK.
But rosdep install turtlesim
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies: turtlesim: No definition of [qt4-qmake] for OS [debian]
Thus I updated my file rosdep.yaml
by adding these lines:
qt4-qmake: debian: qt4-qmake
I updated the file /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/20-default.list
by adding this line:
yaml file:///home/fabien/robot/ros/ros/rosdep.yaml debian
But rosdep update
ends with this error:
ERROR: invalid sources list file: line: yaml file:///home/fabien/robot/ros/ros/rosdep.yaml debian url must be a fully-specified URL with scheme, hostname, and path: file:///home/fabien/robot/ros/ros/rosdep.yaml
Any hints
@joq: Ok. I will give a try to commit my changes. As I'm not yet familiar with git, I hope I will not mess things up :-)
I encountered this problem while I tested the update from my git repository:
ERROR: unable to process source []: mapping values are not allowed here in "<string>", line 6, column 19: