Setup Process Noise Covariance of robot_localization with enabled ~use_control parameter
Hi, I am unsure how to set the Process Noise Covariance when I enable the ~use_control parameter.
I have IMU & Odometry as measurements. I only receive absolute X,Y,Yaw from Odometry and Yaw and angular_velocity from the IMU. Therefore I use the differential parameter for odom so that the yaw measurements from the IMU actually have an impact on the ekf position.
two_d_mode: true
odom0_config: [true, true, false,
false, false, true,
false, false, false,
false, false, false,
false, false, false]
odom0_differential: true
imu0_config: [false, false, false,
false, false, true,
false, false, false,
false, false, true,
false, false, false]
use_control: true
control_config: [true, false, false, false, false, true]
For the prediction I enabled the ~use_control parameter, because I want the prediction based on the /cmd_vel topic (and not IMU linear acceleration).
I have done some experiments myself and calculated the X-Variance,Y-Variance and Yaw-Variance for the process noise. Those values are in the order of 10^-4.
My question is, if it is sufficient to put those three values into the process noise covariance matrix for X,Y - and yaw-variance, and leave the rest of the values unchanged.
The prediction step is based on the vx and vyaw (setup in ~control_config) and integrates that over time to get absolute position. So I would like to know if I need to setup the vx-variance and vyaw-variance in process noise covariance too, or if the variances are only used after the integration to fuse with measurement data.
Thanks in advance, Lascho