Communication between ROS vrpn client and windows application

asked 2022-07-20 06:18:03 -0500

Akos88 gravatar image

Hi. I'm really new to ROS however I got trough all tutorials. All I need from ROS is positions (with optitrack). The situation is: I have a ROS melodic vrpn client on my laptop which runs real time. I get 3 positions (x,y,z) which i want to send through TCP to a windows application which can recieve the data. I already got the positions and the working windows application but I'm stuck with real time position sending via TCP. I tried several packages which i found on the internet (like that one below), but not sure how to use them or how to build it into my vrpn client package. Did anybody do something similar or has some example codes?

Thank you all for taking the time to answer my question.

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