ROS2 Windows node always hang
Hi all,
These days I'm having a very strange problem with my application. Since last week it was all good, but this monday I noticed that I can't run more that 2/3 nodes (or ros cli tools) simultaneously. For example: I run 2 nodes, then I do ros2 node list
and the cmd doesn't give me any answer and keeps pending. Moreover I can't close it with ctrl+c, but I have to end the task from the task manager. The same goes for ros2 topic list
and echo
Another example is this: I run the first node, then ros2 topic echo ..
and I can see the data, then I run the second node and it gets stuck pending.
Just to add some informations, the 2 main nodes work properly togheter, but to develop my application I need to add another node, that with this "state" will never run.
Have you ever faced a similar error? Could it be something about my code?
EDIT: more info
Right now I still have the same problem, but maybe this time I found the cause. I'm writing a node that receive some image from Coppelia, and send it over with a topic. This morning and yesterday I was trying to fix it, because I wasn't able to see the image, but after some "runs" the nodes stopped working. And I still have the same problem as before (third node pending even with the tutorial code).
For the image I set some buffers:
simxUChar *eyeBuffers[2];
dim = resolution[0] * resolution[1] * sizeof(simxUChar);
eyeBuffers[0] = new simxUChar[dim];
eyeBuffers[1] = new simxUChar[dim];
and then set the sensor_msgs.Image msg:
int resolution[2] = { 320, 240 };
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
simxGetVisionSensorImage(clientID, eyes[i], resolution, &eyeBuffers[i], 0, simx_opmode_buffer);
arr[i] = cv::Mat(resolution[1], resolution[0], CV_8UC3, eyeBuffers[i]);
flip(arr[i], arr_flip[i], 1);
.. and then cv::Bridge to fill the msg.
I don't have any build errors and I can correctly send and receive the images.
After a few days, I've done some more test and now I can run only 1 node, all the others keep hanging. I thought it was something related to dynamic memory allocation, but I delete[]
What I can't understand is why this leads to ROS2 malfunction. I have the impression that something is going to saturate inside ros, because the problem only came out after a few runs (around 20), and before it was all fine and I could run as many nodes as I wanted.
Something you could check to see if it's about your code. Try and run 5-6 default nodes. Basically run a couple of the tutorial code at the same time. If that causes the same problem it's not your code.
Thank you @Joe29965 , I've tried running the simple talker and listener of the tutorial. Sadly I can reproduce the same exact errors :(
I have also reinstalled ROS2 and created a new ws (still keeping the old one). Sourcing and building with the new
, but I still face the bug with the tutorial code.Honestly, I do not know what it might be. I have only ever used Ubuntu to run ROS.
Could you please stop bumping your message with trivial edits?
Yes sorry, I wanted to find a more suitable title :P. Anyways, using WinDgb and scanning the working and not working nodes, I found out some differences. In particular the node that hangs doesn't "load" these .dll:
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\rmw_dds_common__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp.dll ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\rcl_interfaces__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c.dll
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\builtin_interfaces__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_c.dll
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\rcl_interfaces__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp.dll
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\builtin_interfaces__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp.dll
ModLoad: .. C:\dev_new\ros2-windows\bin\std_msgs__rosidl_typesupport_fastrtps_cpp.dll
But obviously the cmd doesn't return any errors. Can this cause my bug?
No idea. We also don't yet know whether this is "a bug".
You mentioned you've "reinstalled ROS2": how exactly?
And did you also clean out your workspace and rebuild it completely after reinstalling ROS?
I wanted to keep the old underlay and overlay, so to reinstall ros2 I did this: I went here, I downloaded again and extracted it in a new folder (underlay). Then I created a new dev_ws (overlay), I put cpp_pubsub in the src and build it. But this didn't change my problem. So I tried to re-download the other components (but not removing the old ones). I re-download Python, VC++, OpenSLL and catkin_pkg, cryptography etc using the command suggested in the link (I didn't re-download choco). Obviously they were already installed, so I think I didn't change anything, in fact the cmd always said something like: "Already up to date".
Adding some info. I have used
ros2 run cpp_pubsub listener --ros-args --log-level debug
and: On not working node I only get these 3 lines:-[DEBUG] [1654776889.921857300] [rclcpp]: signal handler installed
-[DEBUG] [1654776889.922523400] [rcl]: Initializing node 'minimal_subscriber' in namespace ''
-[DEBUG] [1654776889.922739800] [rcl]: Using domain ID of '0'
On a working node, the next lines should be: -[DEBUG] [1654776963.071939700] [rcl]: Initializing publisher for topic name '/rosout'
-[DEBUG] [1654776963.072044000] [rcl]: Expanded topic name '/rosout'
-[DEBUG] [1654776963.074039400] [rcl]: Publisher initialized
-[DEBUG] [1654776963.074124300] [rcl]: Node initialized