Wifi connection issues with ROS 2 and Humble
I've been having wifi connection issues since upgrade to ROS 2 Humble. The connection will mostly work, but then drop for some period of time.
I'm posting this "question" and answer here in case others have issues.
It might NOT be related to ROS 2, DDS, or Humble at all.
https://askubuntu.com/questions/14039... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+so...
I'm seeing issues using Ubuntu 22.04 with kernel 5.15.0-33-generic with Intel NUC w/ Intel 8260 wireless on robot, and desktop connected to NetGear R7000
I'd suggest posting your edit as an answer.
I will post answer once we are finished testing. In the mean time, this fix seems to have improved wifi:
I disabled Wi-Fi power management directly by editing: sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf Then changed the value from 3 to 2, saved changes and rebooted.
Still need to do more stress testing with ROS 2 specific code before I say its the "answer".