Minimal runtime ROS2 environment

asked 2022-06-01 15:19:39 -0500

Beartama gravatar image

I'm researching about ROS2 so I can use it in my work, one thing I'm trying to do is to setup the runtime environment for an embedded Debian system. My plan is that I will write C++ code on my development machine, cross compile it to produce the binaries targeting my embedded system, package them as a .deb file, and install it on my embedded system.

I was thinking that I can specify the ros-galactic-ros-base package as one .deb file's dependencies. However, I notice that the ros-galactic-ros-base package pulls in a lot of dependencies that I think will not need for my runtime environment. For example, development packages (I'm guessing from the names) such as ros-galactic-ament-cmake-gmock, or ros-galactic-ament-lint-auto are not needed in the runtime environment.

Is there a package which specifies only the packages needed for the runtime environment?

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